Donald encourages universal respect for the diversity that is human experience

“As I live into my own process of transformation, my worldview has been informed by the depth and insight of many great teachers. These include masters from different wisdom traditions, health care practitioners, caregiving to friends and family facing end of life and beyond, while enjoying life-deepening conversations. "
Over the past forty years Donald Gordon Carty has worked with community organizations around the world, enriching their development and acting as a catalyst for positive impact. Channeling his lifetime of experience with agency and initiative, Donald helps others achieve their potential by identifying and breaking down barriers, which stop them.
Donald encourages universal respect for the diversity that is human experience.
Through moderating workshops, consulting with community groups, and offering his services as an analyst, Donald has illustrated a unique ability for finding creative solutions. His clients have witnessed this method produce operational efficiency, and forge lasting business relationships. His civic and community collaboration have also benefited from the unique perspective and shared experience Donald offers. The core fundamentals of this philosophy and process are proven to translate between mediums; benefiting all facets of professional and personal environments.
Donald is a published author, workshop moderator, speaker, and professional consultant. Focusing his time primarily with volunteer and community advocacy organizations; he is also an active member of many professional associations for societal benefit and education, including a Fellowship of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. At Awaken Forums, Donald offers personal coaching, seminars, and workshops to awaken human potential and encourage transformation.
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together” - Vincent van Gogh
"search and discover"
As president of the Personal Development Institute, Donald collaborates with dreamers and innovators who specialize in the field of developing and unleashing personal creativity. Convinced that dreamers and visionaries change the world, Awaken Forums serves humanity through its commitment to maximize the creative potential in every individual. Awaken Cinema Circle emerges out of a unique philosophy and reflects Donald’s commitment to creativity, uniqueness, innovation and diversity.
NEW - awaken u Masterclass is an eight-week long transformational learning event that is designed to immerse you in an ecosystem of workshops, talks, seminars, an interplay of activities that includes inspirational and sometimes spiritually challenging films.
Donald’s professional memberships include NAADAC the National Association for Addiction Professionals, National Association for Children of Alcoholics, International Positive Psychology Association, Via Institute on Character, Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Association of Humanistic Psychology, Join Together, CADCA, NIAAA, Faces & Voices of Recovery, SAMHSA, CSAT, The Theosophical Society, Institute Of Noetic Sciences, Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, Educator Associates of the American Psychoanalytic Association.