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Barrie - LOA Meetup Group

  • 30 min
  • Free Event. Donation
  • Free Consultation By Phone. Ongoing Event will be in Barrie

Service Description

Come join me your host Donald Gordon Carty, and others of like mind, and be inspired. Tap into your heart, where people like you gather to explore, laugh, and cry as we watch in awe and with wonder mind-stretching films followed by Q&A and discussion in Barrie ON. Enjoy Sunday afternoons of life-affirming, evocative and engaging films. Ponder your existence, experience radical transformation, and meet trailblazers in the emerging genre of spiritual and conscious cinema. For More Information Please visit

Contact Details


Barrie, ON  L4M 6Y3


CAN: 249-359-8736

USA: 850-725-0527


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